Yet another artistic rendition of our super cool Chevy C-10 by the ever so talented Shivam Sharma. You can check out some more of his work on Facebook at

Cruis'news specialty award winner!

Take a trip though some of the Luna's Custom Upholstery history with this super cool feature done by Mobsteel.
Some pretty sweet artwork of the Metro done by Shivam Sharma. You can check out some more of his work on Facebook at

Stitch Luna, Supervisor. If you frequented the shop over the years, you knew Stitch, he was a customer favorite for many, many years. A large portion or our customers (or friends as we call them) visited weekly just to spend time with him or bring him a treat. We unfortunately lost sweet Stitch to Osteosarcoma in October, 2018.

If you know Luna, you know the 1962 International Metro. The "Metro Mite" as we like to call it, is stuffed full of power. It's 6.0 LS Twin Turbo engine packs 1300 HP. It's come a long way from it's days in an open field, being used as a garden shed, hence the name "The Thread Shed".

Luna's Custom Upholstery is typically a one or two man show. However, the shop has many, many friends. Each individual, with their own skill set, help tremendously when needed. These guys are truly what makes the shop feel like home.

One of the newest projects to soon come out of Luna's Custom Upholstery, a 1941 Hudson. This is a project car for Luna's son, young Dale (aka Dayton). The guys at Luna's are hoping it will make it's debut at the 2021 Detroit AutoRama. This one is going to turn heads for sure. Stayed tuned!